Our network: Le Poney Club

+300 active members

Friendly Networking

We make the selection and get back to you

Join the Pony Club

The community

We tell you all about the Pony Club

Le Poney Club® claims no heritage.

It's no more a club for bootstrappers than it is for e-tailers, tech boxes or agencies

You can come in a t-shirt or a shirt.
Who cares?

You can want to change the world or become a millionaire. Who cares?

If you come just to network with your business cards, you won't be welcome. Sorry about that.

Poney Club Samuel Duc
Samuel Duc

The Poney Club® accepts all contractors

If you think you'll find unicorns there, you've been watching too many movies 🍿

We're smaller. We're not magic.
But we're here.

There are a lot of us. And that's not bad.

We are Le Poney Club® ❤️

the advantages

What does the CLUB offer our members?

Access to our network

That's the grail. Surround yourself with trustworthy people who have already proven themselves.

Access to our platform + deal perks

Connection + access to a personalized Notion with all Pony Club members and our partner network.

Access to a whatsapp group on which to exchange information

Feel free to express yourself and ask questions.

Organizing events in physics

Organization of dinners and physical events several times a year

1 masterclass per month

Per month by a community member (masterclass activable)

samuel duc hugo bentz associés

Join the Pony Club

The (few) conditions for entry

You are :

An entrepreneur

Mainly in Bordeaux

Full of good intentions

Always in a good mood

You commit:

Introduce yourself when you join the group

Helping your peers

Not to be sold at the drop of a hat

pony sport league

The little extras that make all the difference

The Pony Club is also about sharing moments, which is why we've created several sports leagues.

our squad

The team

We put our experience and network to work for you.

Hugo Bentz

CEO - La Chapelle

Samuel Duc

COO - La Chapelle

Jonathan Lalinec

CPO - La Chapelle

Nicolas Gantenbein

CEO - Notion Ninja

Maëlle Rousseau

Head of Content

Delphine Loze

DAF - La Chapelle

Jordan Gloaguen

Right-hand man - CEO